Friday, October 30, 2009

it's time like these...

it's time like these that i really wish i was back at home.
times when i could get back, and go lie on the grass with the dogs.
when in the summer i could just spend all day in the library, just reading a book.
when i could watch the english premier league on tv like no other. or watch tennis.
or walk less than three minutes to practice serves on the school tennis courts.
man. it's times like these that i wish tech would give us an extra weekend.
really hang out with people.
i really need to learn how to drive. and then obtain a car.


i need a good week.

on the bright side, got biotransport done. now i've got two whole days to work on orgo 2.
time to read a book. maybe watch a movie on the laptop. and sleep.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

it keeps you runnin' yeah it keeps you runnin

so i think this whole inspiration of running is due to henry detamble.

go figure.

he's kind of my hero.
that book keeps coming back in my mind. i do need to read it again.

i still maintain the ending wasn't the greatest. but the story was definitely interesting.

now, off to neil gaiman.
all i want to do lately:

-not work

now under 210 lbs (207 to be exact)! 7 more lbs to go until i reach my goal...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

performance (of common sense, and life in general) of each following generation (particularly males) can be written as a function of f(x) = -x^2 + c

so i did say at some point that i had more on the story of the lowerclassman.

so the previous sunday, i get an e-mail thus:

"I need to do this career research project for GT 1000, and part of it involves interviewing an upperclassman about their major. I'm technically supposed to do a face-to-face interview, but I have a lot of stuff to do for tomorrow, so sent these questions. If you would prefer to do a real interview, I don't really care. If you could just get back to me with your responses today that would be great. Thanks a ton"

a lot of things about this e-mail didn't make me happy.
  1. he gives me a deadline of less than 24 hours (biggest thing that really ticked me off)
  2. the phrase "if you would prefer to do a real interview, i don't really care." you know, honestly, that's not really for me to decide. and you probably shouldn't have disclosed it as such.
  3. if you knew you were going to be this busy, honestly, what took you so long? especially if you knew you had to do some research, and you needed to arrange the time with someone?
  4. the phrase "thanks very much, i'm really sorry for the inconvenience caused" would have been nice. at least polite.
i initially planned to completely ignore his e-mail, because i felt like it was completely irresponsible on his side, and i felt like i was being taken advantage of. he tried to chat to me a couple times, completely ignored it. i was pretty close to being a successful jerk (and ended up being only partial) after the better voices overcame the bitter demons.

so at 10 pm, as i'm about to head to bed, i get up, finish that stupid set of questions. this involved:
  1. attempting to convert his file from .doc to .docx, after requesting from this kid to do it for me. all attempts virtually failed, and what should have been a 2 min operation turned into 30 minutes of waiting to convert.
  2. writing responses with at least some detail and elaboraton, which took 30 mins.
  3. writing the following angry e-mail, because honestly, i thought it was definitely something that he needd to learn:
"For future reference:
I would be more than happy to help you, but please respect the fact that I am extremely busy. Don't expect me to quickly respond to your e-mails, and please, for the love of God, don't leave things to the last minute like this, and give me a deadline of less than 24 hours. It's offensive, infuriating, and rude, and you'll either learn it the easy way or the hard way that pulling this kind of stunt will not put you in a good spot for your future.

I'm typically a nice person, but please, don't test me. I am an upperclassmen, I do deserve some respect at least. Please don't put anything off like this again if you need help from me."

granted, i might have been a little excessive, but i tried to filter out as best as i can the sheer and utter frustration i had. i was surprisingly pissed off about this whole thing, despite the fact that it should have been just a mild annoyance. honestly though, i know i was irresponsible as a freshman. but i'm pretty sure i knew what to say, and how to treat an upperclassmen.

it didn't get any better when he then responded, a day later, after i was late to work because i was doing this thing for him:

"Yeah, I know, Im really sorry about the whole thing. My Gt 1000 class is really disorganized and my instructor doesnt really give instructions about when things are assigned. I totally understand where you are coming from and being aggravated and busy, because I am busy too and this is the last thing I wanted to be doing. But once again, I am very appreciative of your help and will never do this again. It's good to have a contact in upperclassmen that I can give questions to. I apologize for the inconvenience, and have learned to never pull crap like this again."

i feel like he doesn't quite get it.
  1. it's his fault. entirely. doesn't matter the disorganization of the gt1000 instructor, but all i really needed was a couple days' notice. all that i need.
  2. i don't think he fully understand the meaning of busy.
  3. "appreciative of your help." really? REALLY?
agh. freshman. why do you have to be an idiot?

and the more i think about it, the more i'm convinced that each year that graduates high school and goes off to college lack common sense and likelihood of surviving in the real word. and to think what older generation thinks of our own, imagine what they think about these kids.

seriously dude. where are you?

shune --

get your act together.


Friday, October 23, 2009

week of oct 26

so the next week is going to be a trial and three quarters.

things actually due/happening next week:
-lifeguard inservice (mon)
-biosys meeting w/ group (tues)
-biomechanics hw (thurs)
-biosystems and modeling (fri)

things i need to do additionally for this week to prepare for the following week:
-study orgo 2
-get matlab assignment done for biotransport (by friday, so i can hardcore study for orgo)

things i need to maintain next week:
-work out


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

i forgot about this until just a couple hours ago:

"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of the world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places."

it hit home today.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

i gave my first "talking-to"/ scold/ e-mail bitchslap today at a lower-classmen...

more on the story to follow. i just wanted to express how while it alleviated much, and while i tried to put it as nicely as possible, it wasn't as satisfying as i thought it would be...

granted, i was stupid as a freshman. but i feel like i was still wise about it and didn't piss too many people off...?

go figure.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

it's been awhile since i've posted...

but it's been great so far.

the fall break was great. friday i got to go up to the top of the ford (ES&T building) at night and hang out. cigars are nice. saturday i got to just hang out and do almost nada. really, i think i hardly left the apartment. sunday i went to church, got some lunch, and then... really let my brain rot. yesterday i got to play some frisbee for practice, and got some new clothes from target. yes, i sound like a woman. but i desperately needed shorts (had 0 pairs) and jeans (both have holes in awkward locations). so i got some shorts for about 10 dollars each. good deal. although winter is approaching.
grab yo pheet is in the intramurals independent league finals!!! and we're playing joe's team i'm really pumped about that, no more nervousness from here on out, it's just do the best we can and have fun doing it -- something we've been doing throughout, but really, this is where it's all just smiles for me. i'm really excited and no matter what the outcome... it's going to be a great night.

part of me is starting to feel the anguish that key members will be gone.
but it only means there's no turning back now, we just have to keep playing. and i do. i want to keep playing with this team that i am so proud to be part of.

on another note, i just finished the time traveler's wife. i disagree with the way it ended, but it was a great book. and i feel this emptiness from having finished it, after having it with me for about a month now, reading it. i usually finish books so much sooner, and maybe the additional time spent has given me some attachment to it.

but on the bright side, it makes me want to read more books now.