Sunday, April 25, 2010

as the semester draws to a close

reflections coming soon.


goals for the summer:
  1. keep losing some poundage yo!
  2. repeat insanity/ do p90x
  3. run at least 5 miles by the end of summer with reasonable time
  4. ultimate! ultimate ultimate ultimate -- really looking forward to summer league. NOT going to get injured (as often) this season.
  5. go see adam, philsky, matt.
  6. find some kind of volunteering gig with animals.
  7. education!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a lot of things have been happening in my life.

classes have been rough as anything. i still carry on. lol. for the most part i still enjoy the majority of my classes, but honestly, another week break in between would have been nice.

love in all its forms is a wonderful thing.
it was ben's surprise b-day, and i'm still astounded at how ben's mom managed to organize us together.

things i want to maintain over the summer:

1. ultimate
2. reading
3. exercise (running, insanity again?, swim)

things i want to start over the summer:
1. riding my bike (again)
2. intern at the humane society
3. study for gre (well, you know, want vs need t0)

and if i can:
1. play tennis

i also plan on going to one of my best friends' wedding, up in wisconsin. i'm looking forward to seeing him again, and it's so strange how time jumps you. every time.

think of it like a big polar bear that's sitting next to you. you freak out at first, but then you get used to it. and then it takes a chunk of you. freaks you out. and then you settle down again.

bad analogy. hum.