Tuesday, June 15, 2010

when i was supposed to be
asleep, i found myself glancing
at pictures of not-me,
at their pre-grad lives, dancing
through the times, as if eternity
was a true thing.

and it made me wonder
at all the unfinished works
hindered, forgotten, cast under --
bottled by a stubborn cork
dreams torn asunder
and forgotten.

yet despite the plans that failed
truly, what appeared in its stead,
a quiet, long and winding trail
a story uncertain, unknown, unread
emboldened, and gave a soul unfrail
and ready to not forget.

Monday, June 14, 2010

one thing i love about summer league ultimate is the number of people that bring dogs. and they are always so awesome! at least one of them catches discs. and they're always so HAPPY.

sigh. :D

Friday, June 11, 2010


need to:

1. calm down, don't panic. complete the pass.
2. really cut, no banana cuts.
3. cut back into the straight stack.
4. run. run run run.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

pretty much a worthless post, but...

a lot of good things have been happening lately.

however, i will leave with simply this:

my heart is is disturbed and excited at the potential that our summer ultimate team might be called: