Tuesday, July 21, 2009

it's been a good day. kind of.

there were aspects of it anyway, that were great.

for example:

shift today -- most chill shift ever from 5 am to 9 am.
later, kind of got MATLAB dsp stuff done. kind of, but similarly not really.
orgo homework doesn't look as bad as it originally did. but i still need to work on it.
summer league ultimate was so much fun today. i felt like i was moving really really well considering. and i feel a little more confident with my flicks again. though i still think i tense up, and that results in the disc blading. but i feel like intramurals will be great this year.
there are aspects of it that i still need to consider -- for example, what's with all these guys i want to play with being on the club team? but that will work itself out. maybe??

we're going to play so well this year. eddie, get better soon.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


call it being naïve. but i didn't realize office politics comes up everywhere.

and it really sucks working under bosses that you really don't want to work under.
and hypocrisy is terrible. absolutely terrible.

also, i don't hide my aggravation very well. nor do i do a very good job of diffusing it. i really need to work on that. containing is a BAD plan. especially since i think my anger function is like a big giant infinite while loop without an n + 1 command at the end of it. infinite while loop ftw (not really).

side note: if MATLAB comes up in my blog, you know it's bad news. especially those that know how much i hate programming in general.

i'm going to stop before i go on a swearing spree.
i need to go to bed. i feel like a giant 5 year old who needs his naptime.

with a little more potential collateral damage.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

black jack

i spent my 21st birthday in probably the best style i could (for me).

i went to my classes.
went and led my workout for lifeguarding... and worked out.
finished some assignments.

and then...


and my ankle wasn't bothering me too much. that might not be the case tomorrow, so i'm taking some ibuprofen. but really, the only way to make it better would have been that it was not the summer, and i was in company of more friends. alas, that's what i get for having a romantic birthday (see tanabata on wikipedia). but truly, it's nice to hear "happy birthday" from so many people.

i've realized though, that it really isn't about me. it's about everyone that's been with me for so long in these 21 years. from my parents and family to my friends -- who are pretty much family too. so thank you to them, for these years. and maybe in time i can celebrate the time i've been granted to be in the company of so many incredible people. all of you are awesome, and i can't wait to see everybody in the fall.

also, i learned something about ultimate.

one of the things i respect about ultimate is that it's an "honest sport." as in, it's up to you to make the right calls. if you've been fouled, you call it. but be honest about it, etc. so i definitely got "taken advantage of" today a couple times, partly because of my lack in experience of the sport. a foul was called on me twice, one time the guy ran into me, and i was like "whatever." and didn't contest. the second time i dove to block a hammer (which was pretty sweet, btw), but then someone called a foul for pushing him away. which was bull. and then a girl said that i tackled her. which i dont' think was true, but it was pretty close. so i gave it to them, and was like "whatever."

so, i'm looking at the rules.

but to me, ultimate and tennis will forever be honest sports.
i just can't believe these people who are so... stupid. and competitive.
i just want to say one day to them:

"what are you doing?"