Tuesday, December 29, 2009

if they didn't sing, some piss poor music would actually sound great.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

¿qué es la revolución?

the longer i'm on facebook, the more i realize how much i loathe it. it started off as such a great concept. college kids only. get together with your old mates. use your college e-mail address to prove it.

to high school kids, it was initiation for what was at hand. it was a mark of new.

...ok, over-dramatization. there are plenty of bad things with this early model. exclusion is extremely elitist and bad. bad bad bad. its temptation is in the people that are NOT there. so, go from college kids to high school, middle school, and really old people, and you have the people that want to be older, and the people that want to be young again and belong to a generation past. i realize this is all very negative, and i think there are a lot of things i'm not communicating here.

once upon a time, facebook was cute and cool. and we all know cool goes down the drain immediately if everyone else gets "in" on it. because the new cool is exclusion. what everyone else is not doing. which makes it really difficult for producers in the economy. because now, xkcd strangely became a sell-out, top chart hits are (well, i guess have been) completely meaningless, and all in all, nothing (did it ever, i suppose) make sense anymore.

anyway, now, the entire world is on facebook.

i wonder if zuckerberg and the world realize that the entire focus of facebook is now gone. history of hit-websites, lesson 1: page stability is built off of consistent, not universal, groups logging onto the site. else, server gets trashed, and everything goes kablooie. lesson 2: putting EVERYTHING POSSIBLE does not help. limitation can be key. see myspace. see why it went kablooie?

we now have a negative feedback loop. i feel like while zuckerberg saw the possibilities of all this, he doesn't realize that he's hit a glass ceiling. "crap. i see the possibilities, but... i just can't get through!" maybe it's me, but are more people making anti-something groups now than they were in the past? yes, we see a lot of rallying, people grouping together... but for what? what are the results? the outcomes? 1,000,000 members for this and this.

how much more useless crap is out there? honestly?


lesson learned.

i wanted to get on facebook because that was where a lot of my old high school buds going to college (or are in college, or graduated in college) were. they would get on facebook and it was a good place to find them. unfortunately, the plan did not succeed in that i do not keep in touch with many of these folks as i anticipated. it's so easy to keep in touch with everybody... but at the same time, the quality is garbage.

it has made me want to return back to e-mails, and letters (snail mail) -- the rate at which this takes place is extremely slow, but encouraging enough with facebook as the taser and receiving emails and letters as the treadmill. while running would not be the most comfortable thing to do, it does get my fat off. and getting tazed is not a comfortable process. therefore, i've realized there are a handful of people i want to remain in contact, and everyone else who i spent minutes amount of energy that i'm not really sure i would if it wasn't for facebook holding on to their information for me.

theory: the amount of energy i put into a letter or an e-mail will give not only tell me, but also make the other person realize, how much they mean to me. on facebook, not so much.

facebook technology has destroyed the quality of relationships that it was supposed to support and build.

so. making a list of who i want to stay in touch with from here on out.
facebook will eventually disappear. letters and e-mails.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

so this semester's results when i first looked at my report card:

BMED 3300 (biotransport) - A
BMED 3400 (biomechanics) - B
BMED 3510 (biosystems and modeling) - B
CHEM 2312 (organic chemistry II) - B

so... what's wrong with this?

getting an A in biotransport... how did this happen?

so i e-mailed kemp:

"Dear Dr. Kemp:

When I was looking at my final grades for this class, I was extremely shocked to find that I had received an A in the class. While I'm very happy that I did so, I felt very undeserving, and was wondering how I got this grade."

she later responds:

"You are absolutely right. You earned a solid B in the class. When cross-checking the grades I put into the system, I noticed that I had entered your grade incorrectly and had remedied it at the time, but the changes were not saved by the database. In fairness to the other students, I will be manually changing your grade through the academic office.

I appreciate your honesty in this matter. Your morals will serve you well in life."

it's funny. i was just talking to someone about how all i wanted was a B in transport. that i deserved a C and that i would be ecstatic with a B. and if i got an A, that i would tell kemp that there was clearly a mistake. who would've thought that would actually happen?

part me was debating on whether to say anything or not.
but part of me felt i would not be able to walk on with the thought that i received a grade i didn't deserve.
particularly if it was in my favor. at least failure is closer to the truth.

i wonder though, where all this will take me in life.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

college is all about the hidden gem sports

so ons was totally wicked tonight. sigh. to think exams are creeping up, 1 day at a time, at a rate of 24 hours per day, 60 minutes per hour, 60 seconds per minute...

it's not like my team won anything this time around either. but playing frisbee was so liberating.
and then watching whatever you can get to the dream team winning frisbee. sigh.

and then dodgeball. ohmygod, it was so epic.
eddie and ryan sniping noobs.
travis with his sneaky dodging skills. and katina too. though she admittedly threw like a girl.
some random kid janiel (sp?) who used sneaky trap skills to lure a noob opponent, and TAKE HIM DOWN. oh my gosh. play of the night.
and i have to admit, i had some great moments too. took a couple guys down by throw, and took a couple by catch. sigh. oh dodgeball.

we need to play japanese dodgeball. that junk is intense too. it's a variation (apparently) called prison ball. look it up on wikipedia. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dodgeball_variations)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkPpfUtu1VQ -- the only link i found that showed what dodgeball i played used to be like.

i need to go to bed...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

time is merciless during dead week. especially when you're sick.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

why, sequels!? WHY!?

i'm a little upset that terry brooks has decided to pick back up the magic kingdom of lanover series. to me, it ended with the fifth book (witches' brew), so i am choosing to deny the existence of this new nonsense sixth book. sigh.

this is when i feel old.

i remember reading these books in my library in high school. and my library had a very modest collection of books too. oh, lloyd alexander and terry brooks. oh brian jacques and david eddings. as you can tell, i'm a sucker for fantasy novels... i've missed them so.

christmas will certainly be about books this year. lots and lots of books. and movies? mayhaps.