Wednesday, December 16, 2009

so this semester's results when i first looked at my report card:

BMED 3300 (biotransport) - A
BMED 3400 (biomechanics) - B
BMED 3510 (biosystems and modeling) - B
CHEM 2312 (organic chemistry II) - B

so... what's wrong with this?

getting an A in biotransport... how did this happen?

so i e-mailed kemp:

"Dear Dr. Kemp:

When I was looking at my final grades for this class, I was extremely shocked to find that I had received an A in the class. While I'm very happy that I did so, I felt very undeserving, and was wondering how I got this grade."

she later responds:

"You are absolutely right. You earned a solid B in the class. When cross-checking the grades I put into the system, I noticed that I had entered your grade incorrectly and had remedied it at the time, but the changes were not saved by the database. In fairness to the other students, I will be manually changing your grade through the academic office.

I appreciate your honesty in this matter. Your morals will serve you well in life."

it's funny. i was just talking to someone about how all i wanted was a B in transport. that i deserved a C and that i would be ecstatic with a B. and if i got an A, that i would tell kemp that there was clearly a mistake. who would've thought that would actually happen?

part me was debating on whether to say anything or not.
but part of me felt i would not be able to walk on with the thought that i received a grade i didn't deserve.
particularly if it was in my favor. at least failure is closer to the truth.

i wonder though, where all this will take me in life.