Thursday, July 8, 2010

"young adult"

this particular phrase, whether it's a jca thing or it's a commonly used term, has been standing out to me particularly. when i first heard the term i was a little shocked, thinking "well, aren't college students technically 'young adults?'" however, recently i guess i've observed how juvenile college students (myself included) really are. part of it, i think, is due to perception. i think part of it can be explained to the shifts in the generation, where more and more kids have the opportunity to go to college.

at lifeguarding today, one of the staff was getting irritated with people being late. so an e-mail was sent, which i thought was fairly reasonable, and part of me was not surprised that the uproar it caused. i was talking to my friend, and he was getting defensive that he was late because he has to drive from an hour out of town. much as i do feel his pain, i had to argue that it wasn't right, and late is late. a lot of the lifeguards turn the other cheek when it comes to slight tardiness, but i think people often forget that it's the supervisor's grace, and not obligation, about why this happens.

i understand this is a minute deal, but it's these small things that eventually add up. and i get taught that there's a whole lot more patience that i need. and all in all, i think it showed that we all have a lot of growing up to do. and in general, no matter how old we are, we're still children. for good or for bad.

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