Monday, March 9, 2009

long post -- smorgasbord

great word, first of all.

things haven't been too shabbeh...

last week saturday -- jca live! very enjoyable. definitely some awesome skits were done. made me happy :) i discovered switchfoot's "dare you to move" from it. they had a really awesome skit from it. there was a cameo (?) of "stranger than fiction" for one. there were a lot of creative ones, and i enjoyed the fact that you really didn't have to be christian to enjoy them. it reminded me a lot of high school plays and skits that mrs. dice used to have us do once or twice a month ("wednesday night live.") good times.

last thursday was pretty good. the weather suddenly got better, so i got my racket out and played tennis for three and a half hours. i got to play with wes, who i hadn't been able to play with for a couple weeks or so. he's the nearest thing to the zambian tennis i used to play. a lot of the club players that i've played with either are (a) below my skill level, (b) way above my skill level and i feel bad for playing with them, or (c) total jerks. i'm pretty sure he's better than me, for sure, but he's pretty chill and i feel like i play my best against him. he's the only person on the club that i play on a regular basis (fairly regular i guess), and it reminds me of playing back at home in zambia. against philsky, against the matero boys, against hector, everyone. anyway, i was definitely hitting pretty well for a couple hours -- and paid the price for it an hour and a half later when i felt like my arm was about to just fall off. the weather was great, and i got some decent tennis playing in sunlight. phenomenal.

friday, edgar worked the crap out of us during lifeguard workout. it was the stupid lunges... and probably the after effects of tennis the day before. afterwards, went and saw "watchmen." i really had no idea what the movie was about going in, but came out thinking the movie was phenomenal. aside from the gratuitous sex and violence that they had, it was interesting to portray superhero characters in a different light -- with more emphasis on darker human qualities. aside from the cheesy lines here and there, most of the movie was definitely original. i think a lot of the appreciation that i had from the movie came from my general enjoyment of watching superhero movies, integrated with... darker characters. kind of kill bill-esque in the whole integrating "asian" film-styles to... that. vol. 1 particularly to japanese cut-em-up movies from the 80s. i'd like to watch watchmen again soon, but that probably won't happen. so i'm looking forward to owning that on dvd. also enjoyed having dinner at rocky mountain for the first time since i'd been at tech. it was a reasonably cheap eat, and was fairly decent...

looking forward to: x-men origins, star trek, terminator salvation...

movies that should be burned before it comes out: dragonball z. good god, who's ever heard of goku as white!? and chow-yun fat as master roshi? don't get me wrong, he was awesome in bulletproof monk. great movie considering how cheesy it was. but still:


saturday was a very slow day. i think the original plan was to get a lot of systems physiology studying out of the way... that didn't happen. i'm fairly sure my day involved of sleeping around, and playing guitar hero. watched "a few good men" with tom cruise. got stedman to actually like the movie (successful attempt out of 3 failed attempts...).

sunday: went to jca -- which was something i hadn't done in a couple months, i think. with karen and hibisca. i enjoyed the sermon a lot, talked about noah and the flood. i like the way pastor matt speaks. he's a very conversational guy, and very entertaining in the sort of dorky manner. he's a really introverted character i found when talking to him one on one. it was really funny to find that he actually had a clue as to who i was. called me sean, but i think that just has to do with my name. he wanted to know stuff about me, wondered if i was christian or not. fairly legitimate question. i told him i wasn't sure, hadn't decided. he asked what was stopping me from making that full commitment, and he listened very closely. he wasn't very invading at all, he was quite the listener. i think what got me off guard the most though was how quiet he was, compared to when he's speaking out. it was a nice experience. and for a little man, he sure looked big and intimidating up close...



i can't remember when this actually happened, but lauren called me one weekend, and she was very upset about her love life. i think for the first time in my life i didn't hesitate to tell her that this guy that she was so hung up on wasn't worth it. she liked him for years now, since freshman year of high school, and he's been off and on in her life. it had been a lot of fast and loose between them, if that makes any sense. he'd come into her life, and then leave just as quick. and i think she'd been torn about him for so long and... now she'd fallen in love. not that i know anything about it, but i wasn't particularly convinced by this, particularly since that word has been a song played on repeat (like karen's music habits) for years with me. so i actually tried reasoning with her... and gave her a different perspective. i got her to realize that she'd essentially had a crush on him since the moment she saw him. when she was just going from 8th grade to 9 th, when hormones were going all over the place, and she'd known him since boys begun to really start liking girls. or started learning to. and that maybe, just maybe, after such a long time, it was sort of a pavlovian response. that this was the only way that she had been conditioned to think about it... the whole liking him since the hormones started raging linked with liking him deal. and... she actually realized. discovered. that maybe, just maybe that was the case. and i was surprised that i convinced her. it was... a weird parental feeling. or maybe big brotherly feeling.

which then leads me to this final thought of...

afterward, lauren said that nina and her had talked about me. about how i was like a big brother, like i had always been like that. i guess i never really thought about how i acted among people in high school, and made me wonder what other people said about me. it wasn't a self-conscious paranoia sort of deal -- just a faint curiosity. it's not something i'd really like to find out. but i wonder -- when we die, will we be able to see all the truths that have been hidden from us for so long? wouldn't it be nice, at that moment of death, to have all the answers to the questions unanswered, the truth of all truths...

wow. this post. so long.
(that's what she said.)

so messy.


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