Saturday, March 28, 2009

nathan wolfe hunts for the next killer virus

it's raining outside. i've been really hoping for some ridiculous pour-age. i need to do some work, i want to read a book, and the best time for that is when there's a thunderstorm and massive downpour of rain. and you're dry inside, all bundled up and watching it from a window.

and it's supposed to be thunderstorms today :)

i just watched this clip -- it's only ten minutes long (give or take) so if you're interested you should definitely check it out. i think this was what i initially thought i was going to get into when i started thinking bio-engineering. this is the kind of stuff that inspires. it reminded me a lot of working at lohitash's lab -- except there was nothing like this in lohitash's lab. i think what got me about this particular lecture were the pictures in it -- there were some familiar scenery, despite the fact that i think the pictures were from cameroon (and i'm from zambia). i found myself actually hoping i could go back to africa to do something like this. by doing so, yes, i realize i have joined the thousands of naive, and inspired hopefuls who believe they can change the face of africa.

but first... veterinary school.

i think goal one i've discovered is to work back at the same vet clinic i first worked. it was the energy and atmosphere of the place was so amazing. i worked there almost everyday for 8 to 10 hours, after working at USAID for four or five hours. by the time i left last summer, i was dreading going to work every morning and left the clinic happy, but exhausted. satisfied. sharing a beer with dr. julie. playing with her dogs yogi and mattie. listening to her stories of vet school while she does surgery (and talk about how she'd love to listen to rock and roll while doing so, but dr. liza disapproving of the "devil's music." lawls). getting to know the dogs in the kennels, and the cats. the only thing that killed me about working there was (a) it was completley voluntary, so my being there for 8 to 10 hours got me no money, which was actually ok, and (b) my lack of background in the field. so hopefully after this year, maybe i will have gained something more. i'm hoping i can get back for a week in august and help around again after summer classes end.

while i'm there, i also hope that i can catch up on some tennis with the matero boys. which will be good, hopefully. i feel like i've managed to maintain playing tennis this year so far. which has been great.

gradewise this semester:

sys phys tests: 70 (av. 61), 85.5 (av. 70), 42.5 (av. 51), test 4?
inorganic tests" 70 (av. 70), 32.5 (av. 51), 66 (av. 59)
statistics: 70 (av. 71), 66 (av. 67)
bmed 2210: 72 (av. 73)

so... sys phys has been decent. te rest have not been so, really. i think i'm looking at B's in 2210 and inorganic (hopefully), and sys phys i think i'm looking at a low A. i really want that A in physiology considering the amount of efforti've been putting into it (aside from the 42.5 and 32.5 -- that was just a really bad weekend for tests).

i'm really looking forward to this semester being over.

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