Thursday, August 6, 2009


it's been a pretty long few days.

my exams ended a week ago. i was glad that dsp is over, i managed to be 6 points above average and got a B in the class. thank god. organic chemistry on the other hand was a bit of a bummer. i'm pretty sure i ended with a B in that too, even though i feel like i've put a lot more effort into the class than to end up with something less than an A. i feel like it's been a general upward trend this entire semester -- going from 54, 80, 78, 81, 97... i walked out of the final exam feeling like i was lucky to maintain a B in the class. i felt a little cheated i guess. i wasn't sure how else i could have studied better for that final. i got an 84 on the final i found out (which means that i did pass the class with a B). but still... after all that...

and for a change, my parents understood i actually studied my butt off, and that a B was good. thank goodness.

so after tuesday, i got to hang out with phil in orlando, which was awesome. their family is so awesome. got back to atl after that on friday, had to figure out how to move into north ave (whole fiasco about not being able to move in, blah blah blah) because the south building isnt' even remotely ready for people (paint jobs not done etc. etc.). so i got to move the majority of my stuff to the south hall director's office. glad that worked out, and he was cool with that... so got that all done by saturday, which was when i was leaving.

so saturday night, our flight got delayed by an hour and a half -- the flight was fine, but it meant that we missed our 7:55 pm flight back to zambia in south africa -- which was the last flight that day. so we had to try and get the 6:30 am flight back the next day. the problem with this is that we had to get back to the airport at 4:30 in the morning. if it was just that, there would be no problem. but we were initially promised that we had a seat on that morning flight, and then we got back at 4:30 only to be told we didn't. so it flip flopped, and that was NOT what we wanted to hear that early in the morning... especially with my brother and dad around.

so. got back a little later than expected. burned most of the day back sleeping. so i had one real full day in zambia. and it was pretty quiet. i don't think a lot of people were back -- especially some of my best friends -- so i didn't really bother.

so now, i'm en route to to japan to see my grandparents. i'm the last two hours of my 18 hour layover in singapore. which has been very relaxing (my mom got me a decent priced one night reservation at a hotel, so that made this a whole lot easier). and the food was good too. i got to the airport a couple hours ago. they had this really cool trampoline basketball bungie thing going on, where you had two people attached to a bungie cord vest thingie, and they basically had to tug at each other to shoot in the other's hoop (we had one minute). i got to try it out, and i had a significant weight advantage to my opponent... i was leading 2-0 until the balloon-basket thing started to shake too much, and i was too nervous to jump... so i tied 2-2. i just stopped shaking, it took a lot, surprisingly.

actually, eddie -- i was thinking how it would be a pretty epic battle between you and me. maybe? it would be hilarious, seeing as we're about the same size (you're lighter now, but hey, i'm working on getting there too :) )

anyway, off to japan.

i need to write more often so i don't have all these novels...


  1. cheers bro. an exciting packet of days/week you got lined up. see you when you get back!

  2. so nice to hear from you Shune!! sorry about the airplane difficulties... and it was an international flight to boot =/ but i hope you have a grand time in Japan! :D

    also, not that i don't like novels, i really do. but yes. write more often.
