Friday, January 2, 2009


so it's the closing of the start of 2009, and i figured i'd start it off with writing my resolutions for this year (and this coming semester).
  1. good GPA, reach goal = 4.0, ideal goal 3.5+: i've come to a realization recently that my grades suck (go figure) and they really do need to get better. i do want to become a vet and that does entail having good grades. having to quit research to has also shaken things up. working at a clinic is gonna have similar demands that i found at research. i can't be completely disorganized, and i need to know my stuff. i have to be precise when it comes to making decisions and i need to be confident with the actions i take. and maybe that has to start with the way i've been treating classes. it's time to come terms with reality and take responsibility. and best do it on my terms.
  2. work out on a regular basis: i need to get fit. no more chubby belly. i want to be able to play frisbee and tennis like i'd used to and the only way to do that is regular exercise. one of the many things i've missed about the freshman years.
  3. spend time with friends: again, something i've missed from freshman year. it's harder to spend time with everyone now that we're all away from caldwell. catch up with the people who matter.
  4. save money: i hate being poor.
  5. eat healthy: again. chubby belly needs to go away.
  6. play frisbee more: shamuswimsonturf

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